
Elle Cosimano debuted with a starred review from School library Journal for her 2014 thriller, NEARLY GONE. It was a 2015 International Thriller Award Winner and a finalist for both the Edgar Award and the Nashville Silver Falchion Award.


In 2015, Elle brought out the sequel NEARLY 51kaGYYgbJL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_FOUND to rave reviews. As Kirkus said, it was
“every bit as nail-biting as its predecessor.”


In less than a month, Elle’s highly anticipated third book, HOLDING SMOKE, will bring us into the life of John “Smoke” 22639535Conlon, a boy unjustly detained for a double murder in a dangerous juvenile detention facility.


Kirkus predicts this new thriller will have readers “flipping pages, watching the diverse cast…